At Adams & Bischoff LLC, we understand the importance of giving back to your community, especially in uncertain times. We began this nomination in 2020 at the height of the pandemic. Most people have adapted to life with COVID-19, but it still affects many. We started this nomination to acknowledge individuals who are dedicating their free time to alleviate the challenges of the pandemic for those in need.. Through this award we’ve gotten to see the selflessness that exists in our community. For that reason, we are once again offering the Kind Neighbor Nomination! We want to hear about people in your community who have gone above and beyond to serve their neighbors. Whether it be lending a helping hand to a friend or family member, donating blood, donating to charities, or any variation of volunteer work.

    If you or someone you know has spent their free time helping those around them that are facing challenges, nominate them below for the opportunity to win a $100 Amazon gift card, as well as a $400 donation to the charity of their choice. The winner will also receive recognition for their contributions on our website.

    The deadline for nominations was November 30, 2023. We hope you showed your appreciation for your friends and family by nominating them!

    Nomination Form: (nominations will be sent to

    • Nominator Name
    • Nominator Email
    • Nominator Phone
    • Nominee Name
    • Reason why they deserve this nomination
    • Phone number where the nominee can be reached
    • Email for the nominee

    Check out our past winners here!