News 2 Charleston’s Rebecca Collett interviews Scott Bischoff for iTeam story

people kayaking in a lake between mountains

Very informative News 2 iTeam story from Rebecca Collett.  Thankfully nobody was hurt during this incident, but there are a few take aways worth remembering:

  • Always lock your doors no matter what time of day.
  • If you’re involved in an incident being investigated by the police, always ask to make a written statement on scene while the incident is still fresh in your mind.
  • Ask police to turn on their body worn cameras (BWC’s) as soon as you come into contact with them so the incident can be appropriately documented.

If followed, these tips should help ensure proper documentation and retention of information during an investigation.

That being said, a big “Thank you!” to one of Charleston’s best investigative reporters, Rebecca Collett, for stopping by the Adams & Bischoff law office downtown for our take on her latest iTeam story.  Thanks for all you do for our community, Rebecca!
