In November 2015 I was arrested in Las Vegas NV on a Federal white collar charge and extradited to S. Carolina. I have no family friends or contacts there. During my lengthy trip from LV to SC my wife was lucky enough to come across Chris Adams on Avvo. Out of desperation she sent Chris and 4 other lawyers an email. With it being Sunday afternoon she was not expecting a return call until Monday. So when Chris called her within a couple of hours she was very surprised (FYI no one else called). I arrived to SC the next day and my first court date was the day after, Chris was there waiting. The way Chris argued my side and ultimately was able to get me released on bond and back to my family, I knew he was the right attorney. There were a few obstacles I had to over come that were indirectly associated with my case. Chris assisted me greatly with issues at Las Vegas DMV and issues on an old problem in Florida. This was not part of what I hired Chris for but he went the extra mile for me. Fast forward to Jan 2017 I am still with my family in LV and Chris was able to negotiate time served with 1 yr probation. The charge could have put me in prison for up to 5 yrs!!!.
I’m sure I have left out a few things I should mentioned, however if you are in need of a fair, honest, dedicated, hard working attorney Chris Adams is who I would hire.
Thanks again Chris your the best…….