Unfortunately, a theft conviction could mean paying steep fines, serving time in jail, and having a permanent criminal record. Theft is also a crime of dishonesty that carries a heavy stigma, often impacting your ability to obtain employment.

These charges will appear anytime you undergo a background check. If you face charges for stealing from another person or business, reach out to an experienced Moncks Corner theft lawyer to prepare a solid defense. At Adams & Bischoff, our skilled defense attorneys are ready to help you protect your rights.

The Difference in Charges Involving Theft

The severity of charges and penalties for theft in this state depends on the value of the property the alleged offender is accused of stealing.

Petit Larceny

Petty larceny is the theft of goods or property valued at $2,000 or less. A conviction for petty larceny could result in a misdemeanor conviction on an individual’s permanent criminal record, hefty fines, and up to 30 days in jail.

Grand Larceny

Grand larceny is the theft of property valued at $2,000 or more. According to the South Carolina Code of Laws Annotated § 16-13-30, the penalties for a conviction for grand larceny will also depend on the worth of the property stolen. The criminal statute regarding theft breaks these offenses into two primary categories:

  • Theft of property cost over $2,000 but less than $10,000 is a Class F felony
  • Theft of property valued over $10,000 is a Class E Felony

A knowledgeable lawyer in Moncks Corner could answer specific questions and help build a solid defense strategy after reviewing the details of a theft case.

Larceny by Trick

Larceny by trick involves someone coercing someone into giving a valuable item. According to the South Carolina Code of Laws Annotated § 16-13-240, it is deceiving a person into consent through false pretense or misrepresentation. A person guilty of larceny by trick will face the same penalties as larceny.

Shoplifting Laws in Moncks Corner

An individual who takes merchandise without paying for it, swaps price tags, or switches product containers is guilty of shoplifting. If the criminal court finds an alleged offender guilty of this type of crime, they may face criminal and civil penalties. For example, stolen goods valued at $2,000 or less face 30 days in jail and a misdemeanor conviction on their permanent record.

A shoplifting conviction for property theft valued from $2,000 to $10,000 is a felony conviction with the potential for up to five years in prison. Finally, shoplifting property valued at over $10,000 could result in a 10-year prison sentence.

Civil Penalties for Shoplifting

Civil penalties for a shoplifting conviction include the total cost of property the party shoplifted and up to three times the value in additional fines. In addition, if the shoplifter is under 18 years old at the time of arrest, the court could hold the child’s guardians financially accountable for the civil penalties.

Each case is different, with its own set of unique circumstances. A seasoned attorney in Moncks Corner could answer questions about the possible criminal and civil penalties after an arrest.

Schedule to Meet an Experienced Theft Attorney in Moncks Corner

An arrest for larceny or shoplifting does not mean the court will convict you for the charges. Therefore, building a solid defense strategy is the best way to avoid the penalties and stigma associated with these crimes.

An experienced Moncks Corner theft lawyer could help you through the challenging process, defend your freedom, and advocate on your behalf. Call today to schedule a consultation and get started working on your case immediately.